GTI® 3D Geo-composite Drain Sheet

GTI® 3D Geo-composite DRAIN Sheets are 3 (thermally bonded) layer structures – the middle rigid layer is made of HDPE extrusion molded in a special process. The vertical arrangement of the layers forms a straight-line water draining channel. The two outer layers are made of non-woven polypropylene geo-textile enhancing the drainage system and providing stability. Water enters through the geo-textile and then travels horizontally within the geo-net to a suitable exit. The middle geonet layer consists of two sets of parallel ribs which lie in two planes and are integrally connected with rhomboidal mesh openings. The product fully conforms to the requirements of RDSO.
Special Features
Fast and Easy to install
Excellent durability and drainage capacity
Cost effective
Perfect replacement to drainage material
Base separation /Stabilization
Ground Improvement
Reinforced Concrete wall
Reinforced Gabion Wall (GTI GX wall)
Reinforced RCC Panel Wall (GTI PX wall)
Gabion Gravity Wall
Land Reclamation
Haul roads / Internal Roads
Reference codes
MORTH 700: Geosynthetics
IRC 056: Recommended Practice for Treatment of Embankment and Roadside Slopes for Erosion Control